Xavier Ordoquy
2018-05-07 11:02:42 UTC
Validation is only intended from external data (basic Python types) to more complex structures (Django models). This happens during deserialization.
Here, you are already providing a complex model like it was basic Python types.
In order to work this around, it should be:
data = {
âowner_idâ: 1,
âcodeâ: âfooâ
ser = SnippetSerializer(data=snippet, many=False)
Xavier Ordoquy,
Here, you are already providing a complex model like it was basic Python types.
In order to work this around, it should be:
data = {
âowner_idâ: 1,
âcodeâ: âfooâ
ser = SnippetSerializer(data=snippet, many=False)
Xavier Ordoquy,
I checked out the Snippets tutorial and set it up working. Then I tried do a simple validation but I'm getting this error and I'm not sure why.
The serializer is the same from the tutorial: <https://github.com/encode/rest-framework-tutorial/blob/master/snippets/serializers.py>
from snippets.models import *
from snippets.serializers import *
snippet = Snippet()
snippet.owner_id = 1
snippet.code = "foo"
ser = SnippetSerializer(data=snippet, many=False)
ValidationError Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-9-087605bd9b37> in <module>()
----> 1 ser.is_valid(raise_exception=True)
~/.virtualenvs/rest/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/serializers.py in is_valid(self, raise_exception)
--> 244 raise ValidationError(self.errors)
246 return not bool(self._errors)
ValidationError: {'non_field_errors': ['Invalid data. Expected a dictionary, but got Snippet.']}
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The serializer is the same from the tutorial: <https://github.com/encode/rest-framework-tutorial/blob/master/snippets/serializers.py>
from snippets.models import *
from snippets.serializers import *
snippet = Snippet()
snippet.owner_id = 1
snippet.code = "foo"
ser = SnippetSerializer(data=snippet, many=False)
ValidationError Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-9-087605bd9b37> in <module>()
----> 1 ser.is_valid(raise_exception=True)
~/.virtualenvs/rest/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/serializers.py in is_valid(self, raise_exception)
--> 244 raise ValidationError(self.errors)
246 return not bool(self._errors)
ValidationError: {'non_field_errors': ['Invalid data. Expected a dictionary, but got Snippet.']}
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